About Me :)
I am deeply passionate about designing and validating Software-Defined Radio (SDR)-based RF simulators and wireless communication testbeds, and optimizing them using reinforcement learning (RL) approaches. Over four years as an undergraduate lab-intern and during my M.S. degree at Smart Networking Lab in the Department of Computer Engineering at Chosun University, I gained extensive experience in wireless system design and optimization.
To address challenges related to energy consumption and computational complexity in modern and emerging wireless networks, I focused on leveraging RL to optimize resource allocation while balancing trade-offs among spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, and user fairness. Specifically, I designed a multi-objective reinforcement learning model for optimizing transmission power allocation in massive antenna-aided base stations (BS) across multi-cellular networks, achieving joint optimization of these critical performance metrics. This work was published in IEEE Access, received the Best Paper Award at the 33rd Joint Conference on Communications and Information (JCCI).
I also designed and validated RF simulators and SDR-based RF transceivers, including TDD/TDMA, OFDM, and MIMO systems, incorporating advanced digital signal processing techniques. These efforts led to nine research papers presented at international and domestic conferences, one of which received the Best Paper Award at the 2021 Winter Conference of the Korea Information and Communications Society (KICS).
My research journey continues as I join HL Klemove in March 2025, contributing to the advancement of autonomous driving solutions.